對於大祈設計而言,屋主所喜歡的一片花布、一抹燈光或一個感覺都可以是設計發想的來源,一杯杯與屋主閒談的咖啡、一次次蹙眉思索、一回回的品質督促, 只等待作品完成的那一刻感動。
We emphasize on the design quality and maintenance as well as collaboration with our respectable clients. It’s important for you to seek an ideal interior designer so that you can thoroughly express yourself, communicate with the design professional and trust your designer, engineering units, and you.
For Darchi Interior Design, a piece of silk, dash of light, or an atmosphere, anything you like, can be our inspiration. We await the our outcome by engaging with a talk with you and engaging ourselves with the design process.